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Amos OnlyOffice

dev-master 2023-02-14 15:25 UTC


Interfacciamento con OnlyOffice per la modifica dei documenti


Add module to your main config in backend:

'modules' => [
    'onlyoffice' => [
        'class' => '\open20\onlyoffice\Module',
        'docServSiteUrl' => '[URL del server che fornisce i servizi di OnlyOffice]',
        'docServJwtSecret' => '[chiave JWT fornita dal server]',
        'keyFilePrefixName' => '[prefisso per gli identificativi univoci dei file]'

Add OnlyOffice migrations path to console modules (console/config/migrations.php):


Add the domian of OnlyOffice API server on "script-src" and "frame-src" white list:

'response' => [
    'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\core\response\Response',
    'cspDirectives' => [
        'default-src' => "'self' 'unsafe-inline'",
        'connect-src' => "'self' 'unsafe-inline'",
        'img-src' => "'self' 'unsafe-inline'",
        'script-src' => "'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' [server domain]",
        'style-src' => "'self' 'unsafe-inline'",
        'frame-src' => "'self' 'unsafe-inline' [server domain]",
    'frameLevel' => 1,
    'frameAllowFrom' => '',

Add the module in bootstrap

$bootstrap[] = 'onlyoffice';


docServSiteUrl (string): URL del server che fornisce i servizi di OnlyOffice.

docServJwtSecret (string): chiave JWT fornita dal server.