
dev-master 2022-03-28 11:07 UTC


Extension for report sending on contents like news, discussions, etc...


  1. The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require elitedivision/amos-report

or add this row

"elitedivision/amos-report": "dev-master"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

  1. Add module to your main config in backend:


    'modules' => [

     'comments' => [
         'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\report\AmosReport',
         'modelsEnabled' => [
              * Add here the classnames of the models for whose you want to enable reports
              * (i.e. 'elitedivision\amos\news\models\News')

    ], `

  2. To send report notification not only to the content creator but also to the content validator, installation of amos-workflow is needed too

    a. Add workflow to composer

    "elitedivision/amos-workflow": "dev-master"

    b. check in config/main for 'workflow' in modules array, if present `php 'workflow' => [

     'class' => 'cornernote\workflow\manager\Module',

    ], change the entry in: php 'workflow-manager' => [

     'class' => 'cornernote\workflow\manager\Module',

    ], `

    c. add workflow entry (config/main in modules array):

    'workflow' => [
        'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\workflow\AmosWorkflow',

    d. add 'workflow' entry to your bootstrap:

    `php 'bootstrap' => [


    ], `

  3. Apply migrations

    a. amos-report migrations `bash php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/elitedivision/amos-report/src/migrations `

    or add this row to your migrations config in console:

    `php return [


    ]; `

    b. if workflow module is installed (see step 3), also add amos-workflow migrations: `bash php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/elitedivision/amos-workflow/src/migrations ` or add this row to your migrations config in console:

    `php return [


    ]; `


Amos Report provides two Widgets:

  • ReportWidget elitedivision\amos\report\widgets\ReportWidget
    Draw a flag icon related to a model. On flag click, the system opens form to insert a new report on a modal popup.

  • TabReportsWidget elitedivision\amos\report\widgets\TabReportsWidget
    Draw the Report tab in a model view/form, containing the list of reports a specif content.
    If a model has been enabled for reports, the tab is automatically injected in update phase (form) by AmosCore widget 'Tabs'.

Email Sending

After the creation of a new report on a content a mail is sent to:

  • Content creator
  • Content validator (if exixts)
  • Users having the REPORT_MONITOR role for that content type (if role exists)
    The role name must follow the general permission naming convention _REPORT_MONITOR as for eg. create and update permissions (MODELNAME_CREATE, MODELNAME_UPDATE).