
Sistema AMOS per la gestione dei task

1.0.3 2024-04-04 09:27 UTC


The intent of this module is to provide a quick way for other modules to schedule one-time, async jobs on the server, without the need to create specific crons, and quickly check the result of such jobs. The module also supports retrieving files from the launched command, making it a simple way to generate exports (such as .csvs) without locking other threads or timing out the page.


  • Add the package to your composer.json:

    "elitedivision/taskmanager": "dev-master",
  • Add the module configuration to your app’s common/config/modules-amos.php:

    $modules['taskmanager'] = [
    'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\taskmanager\TaskManager',
  • Add the following line to your app’s console/config/bootstrap.php:

    $bootstrap[] = 'taskmanager';
  • Add migrations to the console in console/config/migrations-amos.php:

  • Add one cron for each channel you want to use for the Task Manager, in your crontab or equivalent software:

    • * * * * * yii taskmanager/scheduler (Default; will create a task manager for channel 1)
    • * * * * * yii taskmanager/scheduler --channel=2 (Will create a task manager for channel 2)
    • ... etc.

Module parameters

  • tmpDir - Temporary folder to use. If not set, the return value for sys_get_temp_dir() will be used.


$modules['taskmanager'] = [
	'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\taskmanager\TaskManager',
	'tmpDir' => '/tmp'


New Scheduled Job

To create a new job, use the following method of the module object.

scheduleJob($command, $module, $output, $data, $channel)


Name Type Required Default Description
$command string yes none The controller/action combination to launch as a job. It must be executable from the console. Absolute path should be given.
$module string no 'amos_task_manager' The name of the module adding the job to the Task Manager. Used mainly for statistics; still, it is good practice to specify a custom value.
$output boolean/string no null If set to true, the Task Manager will automatically create a filename with a randomly generated UUID, and such path will be passed to the job as the --filename command line argument. If set as a string, this will be passed instead. If null, no --filename argument will be passed to the command.
$data string no null Additional data which will be passed to the job as the --data command line argument. It will be encoded as JSON to allow passing structured data objects; therefore it will have to be manually decoded with json_decode() in the command. If null, no --data argument will be passed to the command.
$channel int no 1 The channel to use on the Job Execution. Jobs on the same channel will be executed one by one in their insertion order. To execute concurrent jobs, set them on different channels.


  • int The Job ID if successful.

Will throw an error if something went wrong.


  • Create a Task Job with the command commandcontroller/action, without output and on channel 2:

    $module = \Yii::$app->getModule('taskmanager');
    $jobId = $module->scheduleJob('commandcontroller/action', 'calling_module', null, null, 2);

    This will result in calling the console command on the first available occasion on channel 2:

  • Create a Task Job with the command commandcontroller/action, letting the Task Manager handle the filename, and passing additional data:

    $module = \Yii::$app->getModule('taskmanager');
    $jobId = $module->scheduleJob(
    	'additionalParameters' => [

    This will result in calling the console command on the first available occasion on channel 1:

    commandcontroller/action --filename=/var/tmp/4b3403665fea6 --data='{'additionalParameters':['parameter1','parameter2']}'

Retrieve Job Details

To retrieve job details from the ID returned from scheduleJob(), use the following method on the module object:



The called command needs to be set up to handle command line named arguments. Please see Console options and option aliases.