
AMOS plugin for privileges management (role, permission, domains.. )


Amos Privileges module

What is this repository for?

This repository is used to allow users with admin role to view and manage user privileges (rbac roles and permission and customized privileges eg.cwh if present)

How do I get set up?

Download with composer, add in your composer json:

"elitedivision/amos-privileges": "dev-master",

Enable the Privileges modules in modules-amos.php, add :

'privileges' => [
    'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\privileges\AmosPrivileges',

add privileges migrations to console modules (console/config/migrations-amos.php):


it is possible to override some module properties:

 * @var array roles that must not be considered by Privileges module
public $blackListRoles = ['AMMINISTRATORE_CRTT'];
 * @var array if set, consider only the roles in this list
public $whiteListRoles = [];
 * @var array array of modules for which privileges are not considered
public $blackListModules = ['inforeq'];
 * @var array list of platform roles (not from a single plugin) - override this if necessary
public $platformRoles = ['ADMIN', 'BASIC_USER'];

override of the first property example:

'privileges' => [
    'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\privileges\AmosPrivileges',
    'blackListRoles' => [ 'ROLEA' , 'ROLEB' ]