
Sistema AMOS per gestire i documenti in un ottica condivisa

1.23.0 2023-10-26 09:21 UTC


Documenti management.


You need to require this package and enable the module in your configuration.

add to composer requirements in composer.json

"elitedivision/amos-documenti": "dev-master",

or run command bash

composer require "elitedivision/amos-documenti:dev-master"

Enable the Documenti modules in modules-amos.php, add :

 'documenti' => [
	'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\documenti\AmosDocumenti',

add documenti migrations to console modules (console/config/migrations-amos.php):


If a frontend or a public site are used in your project and documenti need to be visible outside backend, enable form/wizard fields to allow publication in frontend/home page with params:

'documenti' => [
        'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\documenti\AmosDocumenti',
        'params' => [
            'site_publish_enabled' => true,
            'site_featured_enabled' => true

The content is suitable to be used with cwh content management. To do so:

  • Activate cwh plugin
  • Open cwh configuration wizard (admin privilege is required) url: /cwh/configuration/wizard
  • search for documenti in content configuration section
  • edit configuration of documenti and save

If tags are needed enable this module in "modules-amos.php" (backend/config folder in main project) in tag section. After that, enable the trees in tag manager.

If platform uses report and/or comments and you want to enable Documenti to be commented/to report a content, add the model to the configuration in modules-amos.php:

for reports:

 'report' => [
     'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\report\AmosReport',
     'modelsEnabled' => [
        'elitedivision\amos\documenti\models\Documenti', //line to add

for comments:

  'comments' => [
    'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\comments\AmosComments',
    'modelsEnabled' => [
        'elitedivision\amos\documenti\models\Documenti', //line to add

Configurable fields

Here the list of configurable fields, properties of module AmosDocumenti. If some property default is not suitable for your project, you can configure it in module, eg:

 'documenti' => [
	'class' => 'elitedivision\amos\documenti\AmosDocumenti',
	'enableCategories' => false, //changed property (default was true)
  • enableFolders - boolean, default = false
    Define if document foldering is enabled or not. If enabled, in the lists the navigation will be hierarchical.

  • enableCategories - boolean, default = true
    Define if document categories are enabled or not. If not enabled, in form/wizard the field to select document category IS NOT displayed at all.

  • enableDocumentVersioning - boolean, default = false
    If true enable the versioning of the documents. The folders aren't versioned.

  • whiteListFilesExtensions - string default = 'txt, csv, pdf, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, rtf'
    List of the allowed extensions for the upload of files. Extensions string separator is ", ".

  • hidePubblicationDate - boolean, default = false
    The documents created are always visible, hide fields publication_from, publication_to

  • layoutPublishedByWidget - array You can choose which elemnt tou want to show in the widget {publisher}{publishingRules}{targetAdv}{target}{category}{status}{pubblicationdates}{pubblishedfrom}{pubblishedat}{createdat} **

     public $layoutPublishedByWidget = [
          'layout' => '{publisher}{targetAdv}{category}',
          'layoutAdmin' => '{publisher}{targetAdv}{category}{status}{pubblicationdates}'
  • showCountDocumentRecursive - boolean, default = false
    If true show the number of document in all sub-folder, if false show the number of documente in the first level of folder
  • defaultView - set the default view You can setup the default view for module between 'expl' -> icons/explorer (new view and interface) 'list' -> classic old view 'grid' -> classic old table view

  • $documentsOnlyText - boolean, default = false
    If true the main document file and the external document link are not required at all.

  • enableContentDuplication - boolean, default = false
    If true enable the content duplication on each row in table view.

  • enableCatImgInDocView - boolean, default = false
    If true replace the document icon with the category image in the document view and lists.

Install drive

Insert the following configuration in the module

 'documenti' => [
    'enableGoogleDrive' => true,
    'googleDriveConf' => [
         'developerKey' => '<developer_key>',
         'clientId' => "<client_id>",
         'clientSecret' => "<client_secret>",
         'appId' => "<app_id>",
         'relativeRedirectUrl' => '/documenti/documenti/own-interest-documents',
         'relativePathCredential' => '/web/credenziali.json',
         'emailServiceAccount' => 'account@example_name.iam.gserviceaccount.com',
         'relativePathCredentialServiceAccount' => '/web/credenziali_service_account.json'

Obtain google drive the credential

  1. Go to google drive developer console https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/drive
  2. Create a project
  3. Click on "Credenziali" on the left and next
  4. Click on "create credential" to generate:
    • Chiave API (developerKey)
    • ID client OAuth 2.0 (cliendId)
    • Chiavi accound di servizio

Enable Google Drive API and Google Picker API

  1. Go to google drive developer console https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/library
  2. Select the project
  3. Search Google Drive API/ Google Picker API and enable both

#### Configure Service Account

  1. After generate the service account and his key you can find the:
    • Service account email
  2. Generate the JSON KEY for the service account that you will upload to your server (relativePathCredentialServiceAccount) #### Configure client
  3. After generate the ID client OAuth 2.0
  4. Compile the Origin javascript autorizzate URI (site url)
  6. You can find the clientId and the clientSecret
  7. Generate the JSON to upload on the server, and configure its path on 'relativePathCredential' ### App id You can find the app id on the main page (è evidenzioata in verde)

###Verify app if you click on the left on "Schermata consenso OAuth" anc next on "modifica" you can configure it for development or verify the app

###Example images of configuration You can find them in the /docs/ folder