Site Management
- php:>=5.6.0
- elitedivision/amos-admin:^2.0.18
- elitedivision/amos-core:^1.9.41
- elitedivision/amos-attachments:^1.3.0
- elitedivision/amos-dashboard:^1.8.15
Requires (Dev)
- dev-master
- 1.5.1
- 1.5.0
- 1.4.0
- 1.3.0
- 1.2.1
- 1.2.0
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.3
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- dev-elena/1.1.0/2
- dev-michelec/1.6.0/2
- dev-test/1.6.0/2
- dev-michelec/1.6.0/1
- dev-test/1.7.0/1
- dev-fabiano/1.6.0/1
- dev-test/1.6.0/1
- dev-cesari/1.5.0/1
- dev-test/1.5.0/1
- dev-test/1.3.1/1
- dev-test/1.4.0/1
- dev-test/1.3.0/2
- dev-mattia/1.3.0/2
- dev-test/1.1.2/1
- dev-fabiano/1.1.2/1
- dev-test/1.1.1/1
- dev-fabiano/1.1.1/1
- dev-test/1.3.0/1
- dev-dof/1.3.0/1
- dev-test/1.1.0/2
- dev-test/1.2.1/1
- dev-risorsecomuni/1.2.0
- dev-test/1.2.0
- dev-michele_zucchini/1.2.0
- dev-fabiot_1.1.0
- dev-stefan_mev
- dev-michele_zucchini/1.1.0/1
- dev-test/1.1.0/1
- dev-la_francesca/1.1.0/1
- dev-mattia/testi
- dev-lisa_1.1.0
- dev-test/1.0.4/2
- dev-fix_check_admin
- dev-fix_carousel
- dev-test/1.0.5/1
- dev-la_francesca/1.0.4/1
- dev-test/1.0.4/1
- dev-melanie
- dev-triscovery_test/1.0.4/1
- dev-la_francesca/1.0.2/1
- dev-test/1.0.3/2
- dev-riccardo/1.0.3/2
- dev-scarface
- dev-fabiot
- dev-test/1.0.3/1
Plugin for site management.
1. The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require amos/site-management
or add this row
"amos/site-management": "dev-master"
to the require section of your composer.json
2. Apply migrations
php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/amos/site-management/src/migrations
or add this row to your migrations config in console:
return [
3. Backend configuration
To enable the plugin in backend add this configuration in backend/config/modules-amos.php file or in your main-local.php file.
'modules' => [
'sitemanagement' => [
'class' => 'amos\sitemanagement\Module',
4. Frontend configuration
In frontend the plugin must be enabled to ensure the metadata registration. To enable the plugin in frontend add this configuration in frontend/config/modules-amos.php file or in your main-local.php file.
'modules' => [
'sitemanagement' => [
'class' => 'amos\sitemanagement\Module',
4. SiteManagementElement using ContentModel configuration
If you want create an element connected with a NEWS and you want to publish it on the frontend remember to enable the module also on the frontend
'modules' => [
'news' => [
4. Module params
contentModelsEnabled - array , Enable to create template/elements connected directly to the model content
<?php 'contentModelsEnabled' => [ 'news' => 'elitedivision\amos\news\AmosNews', ],
urlDetailModelsEnabled - array, Is the url to the detail in the Element (works only if the content is enbled with contentModelsEnabled)
<?php 'urlDetailModelsEnabled' => [ 'news' => '/site/news-detail', ],
whiteListClasses - array, Used for the pubblication of the containers in model 'CLASS USERS', you can choose the roles to wich pubblicate
<?php 'whiteListClasses' => [ 'BASIC_USER', 'VALIDATED_BASIC_USER', ],
blackListClasses - array, Used for the pubblication of the containers in model 'CLASS USERS',
<?php 'blackListClasses' => [ 'BASIC_USER', 'VALIDATED_BASIC_USER', ],
whiteListModuleRoutes - array, Used for Advertising on landig frontpage, enable to show the routes/url of these modules
<?php 'whiteListModuleRoutes' => [ 'module-1', 'module-2'],
blackListModuleRoutes - array, Used for Advertising on landig frontpage,
<?php 'blackListModuleRoutes' => [ 'module-1', 'module-2'],
directoryForUploadVideo - string, The directory where to uplad the videos for the slider,
<?php 'directoryForUploadVideo' => '/path/directory',