New Releases RSS
- elitedivision/amos-attachments1.20.1Extension for file uploading and attaching to the models
- e015/common1.3.7E015 - Common
- e015/common1.3.6E015 - Common
- e015/common1.3.5E015 - Common
- e015/common1.3.4E015 - Common
- open20/amos-elasticsearch2.2.0Amos Elasticsearch
- elitedivision/amos-attachments1.20.0Extension for file uploading and attaching to the models
- elitedivision/amos-social-auth1.12.2Social Auth
- elitedivision/taskmanager1.0.3Sistema AMOS per la gestione dei task
- elitedivision/amos-core1.34.11Amos Core
New Packages RSS
- open20/amos-prenotazioniGestore di prenotazioni
- open20/powerbiAMOS integration with Power BI
- open20/amos-chat-serviceSistema AMOS per la chat
- open20/prenotazionemetaversoGestione prenotazioni sale per il metaverso
- open20/open20-graphqlgraphQL module for Open20
- open20/open20-microfrontendMicrofrontend
- open20/open20-attributesAttributes module for Open20
- open20/eventsbuilderEvents manager with calendar - plugin
- tyru/php-rtf-parserPHP Rich Text Format Parser
- open20/virtual-assistantDashboard for CMS
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